Monday, January 18, 2010

what if

For many years, there has been a debate on the issue whether or not the drinking age should be changed to eighteen years old. What if the drinking age was changed to eighteen years old? Do you think much would change? In my opinion, I do not think much would change because almost every eighteen year old that I know has had a drink at least once, some more than others. Then, the concern arises that more alcohol related wrecks may occur. It is said that our it is in our nature to be rebellious. Do you think that less people eighteen years or older would drink if they were actually allowed to? It all boils down to chioces. Many people, despite the law, drink if they are not of age. If someone between the age of eighteen and twenty do not drink then they are less likely to all the sudden start drinking often the day they turn twenty-one, but they may have a drink on a special occasion. Personally, I know many people that went through a drinking stage during their college days but slowly faded when they turned twenty-one. I remember asking one of them why he did not drink as often. He commented that it was not as fun as it use to be when he was younger. Overall, I do not think much will change if the drinking age were to change because if someone is going to drink they are going to drink when they become eighteen but hopefully not any younger than that. Much has been argued that if someone is old enough to walk around with high power rifles and operate machinery of destruction overseas fighting for their country then they are old enough to drink alcohol. I agree with this opinion.


  1. I really like your opinion. I agree with you that many already drink. I think that if underage kids were allowed to drink then they would less likely hide it; they might ask for a ride home instead of trying to do it drunk. Good debate.

  2. I also agree with that standpoint. If at the age of eighteen we can go to the big boy jail, we should most certainly be able to drink a damn beer. It is absolutely ridiculous that we can be charged as an adult but not legally have a beer. Although it will never change (or at least not while we are worried about it), it is still a worthy debate. I can't believe that we can go die for this country but not legally drink a beer in it.

  3. I agree with you also, Alex. I'm at the point of you can go out and risk your life for freedom, but you can't have a drink. Ashley made a good point as well. If kids were legally able to drink, they wouldn't hide it, and they would ask someone to take them home, or they'd call home and ask for a ride. It's something they should think about most definitely.
