Monday, October 5, 2009

Observation of Friends Lost to Frats and Soroities

The weekend is a two day period that pushes many students through the school week. This past weekend, I decided to check out the fraternity atmosphere because one of my close friends recently joined. I went to an ATO gathering and the guys were nice. The main thing I noticed was how my friend was acting around the ATO guys. I feel as though I almost lost a friend to a fraternity house. Constantly, something is going on at the house and as a member if your not there you are neglected by the other members. All through high school, my close friends and I would always hang out until one of them joined ATO. College is going to be identical to high school because many people are going to change and go there separate ways.

136 words


  1. I think the way frats look at is if you want to hang around and have a good time you might as well join the fraternity. However, for some people they cannot afford the dues or they are planning on going somewhere else after a year or so.

  2. I agree Peter. You and I are in the same boat; we're both going to UT Knoxville next year so it would be pointless to join. Fraternities are more for people that are not locals or are from out of state. Therefore, fraternities are very useful when it comes to forming a group of new friends.
