Monday, March 1, 2010

what if?

What if you realized that you were mentally delusional? DO NOT READ THIS BLOG IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN SHUTTER ISLAND BECAUSE I ABOUT TO EXPOSE THE MOVIE TO HELP DEMONSTRATE MY BLOG! I came up with this idea from the movie Shutter Island. It was a great movie about a former U.S. Marshall that killed his wife because she killed his three children. He never accepted what he did and he built a fantasy world in his head and lived by it for two years and thought that was his life never knowing it was fake. What if you found out you were living in a fantasy world? I would be so shocked because everything is controlled by your brain and whatever you brain believes is real is real to you. It is a scary thought because some people are really like that. They live fantasy lives that there minds make up and if someone tells them they are wrong there go crazy even though they already are. It is another reminder to be thankful for what you have. Those people cannot help the way they are. I would not want to go on living if I kept on making things up in my head. Some patients that are mentally delusional come to there senses and realize that they are making up fantasy worlds but sooner or later most of them "reset." It is a scary thought. You could be making up a fantasy world and never know that you are. The scariest thing, I think, is not knowing something. Shutter Island is a great movie and I persuade everyone to go see it! It would help to understand what my blog is trying to get across.

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