Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What if?

what if you could invent anything that you wanted, what would you invent? How would it be benefical? Would it cost a lot of money to purchase? If I could invent anything I would invent a remote and receiver type system for anything and everything that needed to be found such as a television remote, keys, or wallet. I would install a remote embedded in each couch, sofa, and recliner in the house that would send a signal to the receiver that is on the television remote. This way I would have no problem finding the remote when my favorite shows are on. I often lose my remote and it really frustrates me and my invention would benefit me and solve a lot of stress. This invention would not be that expensive but would require some installation in the couches, sofas, and recliners as well as the remote control. I think my invention would be very benefit to a lot of people and would save time searching for the remote control. The invention is not that complicated but I could not think of anything else because almost anything I could think of has already been invented. I have always wanted to be an inventer but I do not really think that that will ever happen because I am not the best at being very creative.

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