Monday, September 7, 2009

Answers to the first english assignment

1. The last time I had to write something fairly difficult was a report on Karl Marx's philosophy.

2. First, I organized research and put together a system of important points. Then, I combined the points into a paper on Marx's complicated philosopy.


1. split, lose, paused, vanished, considered, rounding, trailed, picked, chased, smashed, entered, ran, sliding, glanced, choking, trained, dive, compelled, impelled, follow, running, discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, caught, stopped

2. paused, vanished, considered, rounding, fling, forget, trailed, picked, chased, smashed, entered, aim, sliding, glanced, choking, trained, dive, compelled, follow, impelled, running discovering, exhilarated, dismayed, stopped

3. ''He chased us silently, block after block. " "We ran up Lloyd Street amd wound through mazy backyards up toward the steep hilltop at Willard and Lang. "

p. 24

1. He was in city clothes, a suit and tie, street shoes, man in his twenties. The man's lower pants leg was wet, his cuffs were full of snow, and there was a pow of snow beneath then on his shoes and socks. [ skinny, redheaded, furious, determined ]

2. He seems to not care at all, kind of ruthless. [He speaks in a Pittsburgh accent] with normal righteous anger and the usual [common sense.]

3. A well dressed, redheaded man persistently chasing two kids in the snow.

1. She calls it the perfect snowball because it is made out of perfectly white snow, perfectly spherical, and squeezed perfectly translucent so no snow remained all the way through.

2. Mazy backyard: I imagined running with them under a low tree, up a bank, through a hedge, down some snowy steps, and across the grocery store's driveway.

p. 25

1. " He begun perfunctorily" " chased us passionately without giving up, so he had caught us"

2. That she hated being chewed out because it was pointless and had no point. She had been caught due to the man's determination.

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