Monday, November 30, 2009

annotated bib

For years now, reproductive specialists have been helping couples become parents. Dr. Jeff Steinburg predicts that in one year specialist will be able to predict the sex of a baby 100% certainty and the eye color of a baby 80% certainty. "I think it's very important that we not bury our head in the sand and pretend these advances are not happening," Dr. Steinberg said. According to a survey, most people do not have a problem when it comes to removing genetic diseases. Coordinating physical traits scare some but not all. "Somebody has a taste for a particular child or a preference for a particular child," Dr. Caplan said. Prefered traits such as not having red hair or freckles is driven by our culture. Dr. Caplan argues that the rich will occupy these technologys because money will play a big role. He states that laws should be set that people should get couseling before making a decision for a physical trait. ( would this trait really make a difference to me?...Is it that important?) Dr. Caplan makes a good point that parents would automatcially set high expectations for their children. If the child does not succeed as the trait promised, the parent then becomes upset and worried about the invested money. (211)

1 comment:

  1. This article sounds interesting. I'm running out of time, and I don't want to make more research. Do you mind if I use this article for my essay?
