Monday, November 16, 2009


Last Friday, I decided to have a party at my house. The party was going great there were about thirty-five people and everyone was having a good time. As the night went on my friend and I were on an eleven game win streak in the game of water pong. Two guys decided they wanted to bet $40 on the game. The match was a blow out and my team won the money. Upset about losing money, one of the guys starting saying many inappropriate things and pushed me. I pushed him back and he fell on the ground and I told him to get out of my house. When everything was over, I walked away to enjoy my company. Before I knew it, the guy blindsided me in the face. Extremely upset and raging with anger I went outside to take care of business. The guy came at me again this time I ducked and hit him square in the face. He fell to the ground and I got on top of him. I hit him probably five times before I was taken off. The whole thing was stupid. Please do not judge me for this blog. I was brought up not to let anyone pick on me.(209)


  1. No judgement from me. However, the sticky thing is that, now that you're an adult, this kind of stuff can really really get you in trouble. More trouble than that black eye. It's not worth it. I think it takes more courage to walk away, brush it off, than it does to hit back. But, maybe, that's just me. I hope your eye heals soon.

  2. It is a little different when the other person endangers you... especially since the guy was at Alex's house. You had every right to punch him out and kick him out of your house.
